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April 2024

Message from the Executive Director

Leah Wilson Color Graphic

I am going to use this month’s message to respond to several different Incogneato messages I have received lately. Keep ‘em coming!

Question/Statement: It makes no sense how much of the budget is being allocated to CRU when that type of work could be done by analysts with an attorney supervisor. OCTC needs the majority of funding/resources and the budget should be allocated to provide that department with the most amount of resources. 

Response: The Complaint Review Unit (CRU) is responsible for independently reviewing OCTC’s decision to close complaints. As such, the work of CRU is similar to OCTC’s Intake function. Intake is staffed primarily by attorneys. The analysis undertaken to review OCTC’s decisions is considered the practice of law; only attorneys are authorized to practice law in California.

I encourage you to read more about CRU in the related excerpt from the April 1, 2024, Request for a Licensing Fee increase.

Question: The diversity studies are interesting and useful, but we do not need a whole department dedicated to this. A volunteer committee can do the majority of this work with one or two staff members. 

Response: We do not have a department dedicated to diversity studies. You may be referring to the State Bar’s Office of Access & Inclusion (OA&I). The primary responsibility of this office is the distribution of legal services grant funding—upwards of $150 million in the last year alone! For a wonderful example of the impact of that important work, here’s a sneak preview of a State Bar Stories video that will appear in our upcoming annual report. You can find out more about OA&I here. Our 2022-2027 Strategic Plan identifies DEI as foundational—meaning this work is built in to all of our efforts—that being said, there are less than 2 FTE in total (and one committee, the Council on Access and Fairness) that work explicitly on the type of diversity studies referenced in the Incogneato.

Question: Hello, In light of the growing influence and implications of AI across various sectors, including but not limited to legal practice, I propose the establishment of a dedicated Committee within the State Bar. This committee would be tasked with overseeing the legal, educational, and regulatory aspects of AI within our jurisdiction. 

Response: Great suggestion! And prescient. Shortly after receiving this email, Trustee Mark Toney asked me to establish such a committee comprised in part of members of the Board of Trustees. I am still considering the best structure for this type of effort, optimal composition, and, most importantly, staffing, but agree wholeheartedly with the message. Stay tuned.

Question: Sharing this interesting article. Does the Bar have a plan for training and upskilling employees in AI? https://qz.com/ai-workforce-executive-deloitte-survey-1851308804 

Response: I would not say we have a plan, but we are talking about it. A key organizational need is a home for this type of effort (as well as the committee mentioned in the Incogneato above). I hope to resolve this issue soon and then you should see more programming and movement on the AI front.

With thanks for all you do,


March Board Meeting

Board and Staff Outline Fee Increase Needs 

The State Bar Board of Trustees adopted a $125 licensee fee increase at its March 21–22 meeting and gave guidance to staff to complete a critical legislative requirement: Produce three interdependent reports detailing the State Bar’s critical funding needs to support its public protection mission in 2025 and beyond. And get it all done by April 1! The Legislature is scheduled to hear the bill on April 30.

As discussed during the all-staff meeting April 8, the three reports provide lawmakers, who approve the fee bill every year, with recommendations and options to ensure that the State Bar’s funding adequately supports its mission. The State Bar has had just one fee increase in 25 years, and had the base mandatory licensing fee, currently $404, been adjusted for inflation in that time, it would now be over $700. While California is the most expensive state in the continental United States, the attorney licensing fee ranks 18th below states like Nevada, Arizona, and Connecticut. Read more information about the licensing fee. And read the Board’s March meeting news release.  

ICYMI: New Office Templates Shortcut Launched!

OfficeTemplates iconThe Office of Information Technology recently launched—directly to your desktop—a new shortcut to the State Bar's Microsoft Word Office templates for memos and letterhead. If you produce memos or letters in your job, you must use these standard templates.   

Before you launch the templates application, please ensure you are connected to VPN. We encourage a glance at the OfficeTemplates Quick Start Guide prior to the application launch, helping you sidestep any potential hiccups. 

If you run into an issue that cannot be resolved by using the guide, please contact the IT Help Desk at 415-495-4357 or submit a ticket. 

New! Media Spokesperson Policy

What Should You Do If a Reporter Contacts You? 

While the possibilities might seem endless, with a State Bar dedicated to transparency and accountability, the new Media Spokesperson Policy provides just one answer: Forward all media inquiries directly to the Office of Strategic Communications & Stakeholder Engagement (SCSE) at barcomm@calbar.ca.gov. 

The State Bar’s policy is that SCSE, aka the “Comms team,” responds to all media inquiries with input from the appropriate leadership or staff.  

It's important to read the entire policy, but here are the top tips:

Email inquiries: Forward any email received from a reporter to barcomm@calbar.ca.gov. You may cc your supervisor or a member of the Leadership Team.

Phone calls or voicemails: All you need to say is that the State Bar’s policy requires all media inquiries to be coordinated by the Communications team. You can provide the Barcomm email or phone number (213-765-1388), or send the reporter’s contact information (or voicemail message) to Barcomm.  

The Communications team will respond to the journalist and ask for their deadline and any pertinent questions. 

Investing in Our People and Beyond: 

The Intake Unit's Community Service: Prison Library Project 

We often speak of our values in abstract terms, but it is the tangible actions that bring these ideals to life. Today, we highlight the Intake unit in the Office of Chief Trial Counsel (OCTC), which has brought our core value of Investing in Our People to life through a noteworthy initiative.  

In February, recognizing the challenges faced by incarcerated individuals—a group the unit frequently interacts with—the Intake team partnered with the Prison Library Project, one of the nation’s largest books-to-prisoners programs, to donate a generous collection of carefully curated books, ranging from legal references to children's stories. This initiative supports a vulnerable population while strengthening team bonds around a shared purpose.  

We commend the Intake unit for demonstrating that investing in our people extends beyond our organization's walls. Their actions remind us of the difference we can make when we unite for a common cause.


Guidance Grove


Recusing Yourself from Decisions Where You Have a Conflict of Interest 

State Bar employees must avoid making or participating in decisions where they have a conflict of interest, whether financial or personal.

Financial and Personal Conflicts

An employee has a financial conflict of interest if it is reasonably foreseeable that a State Bar decision will have a material financial impact on the employee's (or their immediate family's) financial interests, regardless of whether the interest was listed on their Form 700. If you are participating in a State Bar decision that could affect you or your immediate family monetarily, or that could monetarily affect a source of income, investment, real estate, or source of gifts to you or your family, you likely have a financial conflict of interest in that decision.

An employee has a personal conflict of interest if they have a personal interest that may prevent them from applying disinterested skill and undivided loyalty to the State Bar in making or participating in a decision. In general, an employee has a personal conflict if a reasonable person looking at the facts would think that the employee could not be impartial. An example of a likely personal conflict of interest would be an employee participating in a decision that would directly impact a close friend.

A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself whether a State Bar decision you are participating in will in any way impact you, your family, or people you are close to in a way that it would not affect your colleagues. If the answer is yes, then you may have a financial or personal conflict of interest. Note also that some State Bar offices (such as OCTC and OGC) have their own directives on conflicts of interest. Please review and follow your office’s directives on this topic and reach out to your supervisor with any questions.

Recusing Yourself

If you believe you have or may have a conflict of interest with respect to a State Bar decision, you should recuse yourself by:

  • Immediately telling your supervisor that you have or may have a disqualifying financial or personal interest.
  • Refraining from participating in any decision-making on the matter, such as by discussing the decision or otherwise attempting to influence it.

More Information

The Fair Political Practices Commission maintains a webpage with useful guidance and resources on financial conflicts of interest. If you have any questions, ask your supervisor or contact OGC at ogc@calbar.ca.gov.

Employee Benefits Updates


New Financial Wellness Benefit

We are thrilled to announce a new Financial Wellness Benefit in partnership with Benefit Financial Services Group (BFSG), our retirement plan consultant. This service is provided at no additional cost to you.

What you will receive:

  • A Comprehensive Financial Plan tailored to your specific goals and needs
  • Access to a team of experienced Certified Financial Planner™ Professionals who act in your best interest

How it works:

  • Schedule an introductory meeting to discuss your financial situation, goals, and objectives
  • BFSG will present your personalized financial plan and discuss implementation
  • Monitor and update your plan annually or as life circumstances change

To take advantage of this benefit, schedule an appointment online, email financialplanning@bfsg.com, or call (949) 955-3203.

For more information, watch this three-minute video highlighting the financial planning process.

Register now for our first webinar, "The 7 Pillars of Financial Planning" on May 30 at 11:00 am.


Employees who are enrolled in FSA will be receiving a new TASC card soon! If your address has not been updated recently in Oracle, please follow these instructions on changing your address. We are asking employees to update their addresses to ensure the timely and accurate delivery of their TASC cards.

Staffing Updates


Iliana Cervantes | Program Specialist III | Regulation, SF

Claudina Chavez | Program Specialist I | Chief Trial Counsel, SF

Tzipporah Dang | Senior Program Analyst | Mission Advancement & Accountability Division, SF

Jorge Descaire | Program Manager III | Strategic Communications & Stakeholder Engagement, LA

Gabriela Flores | Program Specialist II | Chief Trial Counsel, LA

Janet Guan | Financial Analyst | Access & Inclusion

Peggy Kong | Forensic Accountant | Chief Trial Counsel, SF

Ashanty Salinas | Program Specialist II | Chief Trial Counsel, LA

Shashi Spencer | Senior Program Analyst | IT, SF


Elvia Espinoza | Program Coordinator | Admissions, LA

Adrian Galang | Program Manager II | Admissions, LA

Esgar Hernandez | Investigator I | Admissions, LA

Heidi Hwang | Senior Forensic Accountant | Chief Trial Counsel, LA

Joemark Labasan | Lead Program Analyst | Admissions, LA

Jonita Rose | Program Analyst | Professional Competence, SF


Shannon Broderick | Attorney III | Client Security Fund, LA

Tammy Campbell | Program Manager I | Admissions, LA

Tiffany Uhri Chu | Attorney II | Chief Trial Counsel, SF

Laurie Collier | Investigator II | Chief Trial Counsel, LA

Melanie Dorian | Attorney II | Chief Trial Counsel, LA

Jose Espitia | Investigator II | Chief Trial Counsel, LA

Arianna Le | Investigator II | Chief Trial Counsel, LA

Amber Lucido | Paralegal | Chief Trial Counsel, LA

Kemi Oyebisi | Investigator II | Chief Trial Counsel, LA

Ron Pi | Program Manager III | Mission Advancement & Accountability Division, SF

Paul Thies | Attorney II | Chief Trial Counsel, LA

Upcoming TED Workshop 

Working Advantage  
Join us to learn how you can save on everyday purchases, entertainment, and more.  
April 25, 11:00 a.m. | Register Here 

For more, check out the recent TED Newsletter.

In the News

Special Edition: Check out the latest news on the John Eastman Ruling and other State Bar News!     

On March 27, State Bar Court Hearing Judge Yvette Roland recommended in a 128-page ruling that attorney John Charles Eastman be disbarred. OCTC successfully argued 10 of the 11 disciplinary charges it brought against Mr. Eastman. The hearing, which began in June 2023, included more than 35 trial days extending into November, and involved 23 witnesses and more than 700 exhibits. The lead OCTC attorneys were Duncan Carling, Samuel Beckerman, and Christina Wang. 

As of April 10, news on the ruling appeared in over 3,447 media outlets, with nearly 173,000 social media appearances during that same time. See top stories on this, and other subjects, below.

CNN: Live interview with Chief Trial Counsel George Cardona 
NPR All Things Considered: Trump lawyer's Jan. 6 actions 'threatened our democracy,' State Bar attorney says 
New York Times: John Eastman Should Lose Law License, Judge Finds 
Reuters: Ex-Trump lawyer Eastman should be disbarred, California judge rules 
LA Times: State Bar charges L.A. lawyer in DWP scandal  
Reuters: California bar walks back proposed lawyer dues increase by 17% 
See a special coverage compilation on the John Eastman ruling. 
To read more State Bar news, please see the Weekly Round Up.  

Follow us on social media: 

The State Bar of California’s mission is to protect the public and includes the primary functions of licensing, regulation and discipline of attorneys; the advancement of the ethical and competent practice of law; and support of efforts for greater access to, and inclusion in, the legal system.

State Bar of California, 180 Howard St., San Francisco, CA 94105, 415-538-2000